Friday, November 25, 2011

Vacances en France

And again more than a week between posts, and again I had skipped town. I spend the last week in France, far, far away from modern things like internet, television or even cell-phone signal.

The drawing above is a sketch of the house where I stayed, together with a good friend of mine,. The house is owned by his parents, I did this sketch as a gift to thank them for letting us use this place. It was great, the weather in Amsterdam wasn't too great when we left but in France we had sunshine almost the entire week!

After the hectic graduation year it felt good to take a break from everything, I got some good rest and feel ready for the next step. I did some more sketches that I will shre with you later this week, I wanted to upload this one now though, since I'll be giving it away tonight.

Ink and color pencil on light grey sketch paper.

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