Sunday, November 11, 2012

Red Fox Studies

Recent homework from the Gesture course on Schoolism. Apart from our usual model drawing assignments, this time we also had to research an animal of choice. We are to study the anatomy of one animal so that we are able to draw it without using reference.

As you might have guessed, I chose a Red Fox for this assignment. This is only a selection of the many sketches I did, both on loose sheets and in my sketchbook. One of the many great things about this course it how much it makes me sketch. I have started a new sketchbook early october -one of those thick old-fashioned a4-sized hardbacks-  and it is already filled halfway through! Mostly with gesture sketches and café drawings done for the gesture course. 

All of these are 100% traditional: ink, (Pentell Pocket Brushpen, Pentell Sign, Pitt Brush Pen) and color pencil on paper.

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